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A book is a literary compass that has the potential to direct our thoughts and actions:

"Everything we read stimulates our mind to think, and what we think determines what we desire, and desires are the seedbed of our actions. Given this iron law of human nature--from reading to thinking, to desiring, to acting--we are shaping our destiny by the ideas we choose to have enter our minds through print." - Fr. John Hardon, S.J., The Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan

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Monday, July 30, 2007

Scare Your Friends with These Gag Books

From Matthew at Gizmodo:
This toy is shaped like a row of books, and includes a sensor that triggers spooky noises and pushes out one of the books when someone walks past.
Read more about the books or order them at Things You Never Knew Existed.

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posted by Nick Senger at 6:03 AM

Comments on "Scare Your Friends with These Gag Books"


Blogger KHB said ... (Monday, July 30, 2007 3:41:00 PM) : 

Oh, those are fantastic...

I just wanted to let you know that Book Dragon was moving over to http://bookhblog.wordpress.com/ - I know I hate it when I link to someone, and they change their URL without letting me know, so I thought I'd drop you a line.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Monday, July 30, 2007 6:52:00 PM) : 

heh, that's fun!


Blogger Nick Senger said ... (Tuesday, July 31, 2007 6:02:00 AM) : 

Thanks, KHB, I've update the link.


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