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"Everything we read stimulates our mind to think, and what we think determines what we desire, and desires are the seedbed of our actions. Given this iron law of human nature--from reading to thinking, to desiring, to acting--we are shaping our destiny by the ideas we choose to have enter our minds through print." - Fr. John Hardon, S.J., The Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan

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Monday, November 05, 2007

Bookshelves Arranged by Spine Color

It looks cool, but how do you find the book you're looking for?

From Designverb.


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posted by Nick Senger at 5:21 AM

Comments on "Bookshelves Arranged by Spine Color"


Blogger MAB said ... (Tuesday, November 06, 2007 1:32:00 PM) : 

This reminds of my husband, who wonders why I don't shelve my books in size order, tallest on the left. My response: how am I supposed to remember how tall my books are?!?


Blogger About me said ... (Wednesday, November 21, 2007 6:22:00 PM) : 

this would truly be a librarian's nightmare


Blogger David said ... (Friday, March 14, 2008 1:53:00 PM) : 

Isn't there a Two Ronnies sketch on this?


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