Friday, July 28, 2006
Lord Darcy and Theology for Beginners
Things have gotten busy lately, so I just have time for a quick post. I'm bouncing between two books right now, Lord Darcy by Randall Garrett, and Theology for Beginners by Frank Sheed. I'm reading one for fun and the other as background for teaching religion to my eighth graders this coming school year. I'll let you decide which is which.
I have not read either of them before and they are both equally interesting, so my decision about which one to read at any given moment is mostly a matter of mood. Stay tuned for more about both books in the coming days.Labels: catholic |
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posted by Nick Senger at 1:06 PM

Thursday, July 20, 2006
Henri Daniel-Rops Recommendations
I received a recommendation today from Thomas who writes:
Please make sure that all the books of the great French Roman Catholic scholar are placed on your list:
Henri Daniel-Rops
Henri Daniel-Rops was the nom de plume of Henri Jules Charles Petiot. He was born in France in 1901, the grandson of peasants and the son of an artillery officer. An academic prodigy, by the age of twenty-one Petiot had earned the equivalent of three Master's degrees and became an Associate Professor of History at Neuilly a year later. He wrote more than seventy books and received a large number of distinctions and honours. In 1955 he became the youngest ever member of the Academie Française (eventually winning the Grand Prix) and went on to receive the Legion of Honour. Henri Jules Charles Petiot died in 1965.
His 10-volume Church history is unsurpassable; his numerous sacred history books are the crème de la crème…. He is similar to Giuseppe Ricciotti… Thanks for the suggestion. A few of Daniel-Rops' books can already be found on Part VI of the list, and I've added his ten volume history to the reader recommendations.Labels: catholic |
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posted by Nick Senger at 11:23 AM

Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan Still in Print
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posted by Nick Senger at 6:16 AM

Reader Recommendations
Here is a list of books recommended by readers of Literary Compass that do not appear on the Catholic Classics list:
- Henri Daniel-Rops - Ten volume Church history
- Romano Guardini – Living the Drama of Faith: What Faith is and Where it Leads You
- James J. Meagher – How Christ Said the First Mass or the Lord’s Last Supper
- Fr. James T. O’Connor – The Hidden Manna: A Theology of the Eucharist
- Fr. James T. O’Connor – The Father’s Son
If you’ve got a Catholic book recommendation that’s not on my Catholic Classics List, please let me know and I will add it to the list. |
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posted by Nick Senger at 6:06 AM

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Fr. Elijah Update
In an earlier post I mentioned that Michael O'Brien's novel Fr. Elijah was going to be discussed on the radio program Sound Insights. That radio program has now been archived here. Scroll down to July 18 for the mp3 of the show. I only caught the last five minutes of the show when it aired, so I am really looking forward to listening to the rest of it. Apparently they will do a second part next Monday, July 24. Labels: catholic |
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posted by Nick Senger at 5:44 AM

Monday, July 17, 2006
St. Vidicon, Pray for Us!
 If you are a computer troubleshooter, you need to know about St. Vidicon of Cathode. He was martyred in the year 2020 when he was electrocuted in order to keep the Vatican broadcast equipment working so that Pope Clement could send his message to the world. Since his death, people throughout the world have prayed for his intercession to combat those terrors of technology, Murphy's Law, the Imp of Perversity, and Finagle.
His story is recounted in St. Vidicon to the Rescue, a novel by Christopher Stasheff. St. Vidicon is a spin-off of Stasheff's popular Ron Gallowglass series (The Warlock in Spite of Himself, etc.). Father Vidicon employs the help of computer troubleshooter Tony Ricci to come to the aid of various people plagued by the forces of entropy. Tony gets to wield Occam's Razor, travel through time, and thwart the legal system. At the same time, Father Vidicon helps Tony in his relationship with Sandy, the object of Tony's affection.
Stasheff writes very light, enjoyable science fiction, peppered with Catholic references. If you've ever wished you could take a sword to the gremlins and viruses that interfere with your computer work, be sure to call on St. Vidicon.Labels: catholic |
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posted by Nick Senger at 11:54 AM

Saturday, July 15, 2006
What Does God Want?
I hate making decisions. Well, that's not exactly true. I hate making bad decisions. Why can't God just reach down from heaven, place a huge index finger on the newspaper and say, "THAT ONE...PICK THE ONE WITH CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING"? He told Mother Teresa to found an order of nuns to serve the poorest of the poor, why can't he tell us what he wants us to do with our lives?
Well, it turns out he does tell us. It's just that he uses God-speak, that mysterious language that we mortals have to decipher. And one of the best ways to decipher God-speak is to follow the advice given by Fr. Michael Scanlon in his little book, What Does God Want? A Practical Guide to Making Decisions. It's amazing how much practical wisdom Fr. Scanlon can pack into 127 pages.
Fr. Scanlon describes five "tests" to help us prayerfully discern what God might want in any decision we have to make:
- Does it conform to God's will?
- Does it encourage conversion?
- Is it consistent with how God has guided us in the past?
- What confirms it?
- Do I have conviction about it?
Each chapter develops these questions with examples and practical advice. Fr. Scanlon also provides decision-making worksheets in the back of the book to encourage people to write down their thoughts before making a decision.
The book is also useful for parents, teachers, counselors, and other professionals in positions of leadership. My eighth grade students are at the stage of life where they are just beginning to experience serious decisions: Which high school should I go to? Should I continue in ballet or skiing? Am I being called to the priesthood? When students come to me for advice it can be difficult to avoid jumping in with my own opinionated solutions, rather than letting the students work through the problem themselves. What Does God Want? gives me a good place to start in offering advice. In fact, chapter nine gives specific suggestions for how to help others make decisions.
If you've got some major decisions to make, or if you're the Dear Abby of your family, What Does God Want? is definitely worth owning. It'll help you see the invisible finger of God. |
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posted by Nick Senger at 6:26 AM

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
12 of 12 for July 2006
Today is the 12th of the month, so taking a cue from the Rosary Army and their friend Chad Darnell, I am posting 12 pictures of my day. Above is a picture of a couple of my shelves of Catholic prayer books . You can view the rest of the day's pictures here. |
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posted by Nick Senger at 8:09 PM

Nick's Catholic Classics Reading List, Part VIII
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posted by Nick Senger at 6:42 AM

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Benedictine Books
Today is the feast of St. Benedict, so I thought I’d mention a few of my favorite Benedictine books. First, a few books about the Rule of St. Benedict:
- The Rule of St. Benedict – Though it was written to guide behavior at monasteries, anyone who is in a leadership position can also benefit from the wisdom it contains. Try reading it as if it were addressed to parents, or supervisors.
- Reading St. Benedict: Reflections on the Rule by Adalbert de Vogue – This is probably the definitive commentary on the Rule, and is a great help for those wishing to study it and meditate on it.
- A Share in the Kingdom: A Commentary on the Rule of St. Benedict for Oblates by Benet Tvedten, O.S.B. – Oblates are traditionally laypersons who are formally connected with a particular Benedictine abbey or monastery. Tvedten’s book helps a layperson apply the wisdom of the rule to contemporary life.
Perhaps the most common Benedictine practice today is the form of meditative prayer known as Lectio Divina or Sacred Reading. As the Catechism puts it, “Christian prayer tries above all to meditate on the mysteries of Christ, as in lectio divina or the rosary. This form of prayerful reflection is of great value…” (CCC 2708). These two books describe the essentials of lectio divina: The Benedictine practice that has affected me most is the praying of the Divine Office, or Liturgy of the Hours. It is at the same time humbling and uplifting to pray several times a day with the rest of the universal Church, and I wish I could be more faithful to it. Here are some Divine Office resources:
- Chapter 17 of The Words We Pray by Amy Welborn – Probably the most beautiful and concise explanation of the power and majesty of the Divine Office. (By the way, the rest of the book is just as excellent.)
- The School of Prayer by John Brook – This book is for me the definitive guide to the Liturgy of the Hours. Not only does Brook explain the history and rationale behind the Divine Office, he also provides a how-to for praying it, along with an extensive commentary on each of the psalms used in Morning and Evening Prayer.
- An invaluable tool for learning to pray the Liturgy of the Hours or for praying them when you’re on the go is the Praystation Portable podcast by the SQPN network.
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posted by Nick Senger at 11:07 AM

Monday, July 10, 2006
Nick's Catholic Classics Reading List, Part VII
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posted by Nick Senger at 10:20 AM

Sunday, July 09, 2006
Reflecting on Father Elijah
I have just finished Michael D. O’Brien’s Father Elijah for the second time. I hadn’t read it in about five years, and I wanted to re-read it before Tom Curran discussed it later this month on his Sound Insights radio show. I remember liking it a lot more the first time I read it, probably because it was such a revelation to me.
The book attempts to look at the second coming from a Catholic perspective. If you’ve read or heard about the Left Behind series, and wondered about the Catholic take on the end times, then Father Elijah could help answer your questions. Unfortunately, our culture is so driven by hyper-dramatic action stories, that a novel like this one goes mostly unnoticed. It is much more literary, and consequently takes more effort to read, than other more popular novels. But trust me, this one gets it right. This is a rational, believable, exploration of how the world might look shortly before Jesus comes again. It is also a rational, believable critique of the modern world.
The plot is fairly straightforward: a man has risen to become president of the European Union, and though he appears to be a great man of peace and unity, some suspect him of being the next Anti-Christ. Father Elijah, a Jewish convert to Catholicism, is asked to leave his monastery to discover the truth about this man. In doing so, Father Elijah becomes aware of sinister, demonic forces at work in the world, both inside and outside the Church.
The reason I love this novel so much has little to do with the apocalyptic story-line, though. I appreciate O’Brien’s take on modern culture and what ails it. I think he does an excellent job of exposing the intellectual fallacies and traps of our time. Also, as one who rarely travels, I was captivated by his descriptions of various places in Rome and Poland. If you are planning a visit to Italy or Poland, or if you have already been there, this aspect of the book may really appeal to you, too.
But it is the character of Father Elijah himself that really makes the book worth reading. His humility and obedience immediately set him apart from every other character in the novel, and one couldn’t ask for a greater example of priestly virtue. And though O’Brien does a fantastic job of creating sympathetic clergy, he does not shy away from Catholic characters who are ignorant, weak and self-serving.
I keep a Commonplace Book on my computer, a place where I record lines from literature that really move me, or that seem to speak strongly to me. It’s been awhile since I found anything worth copying, but I found two lines from Father Elijah that I wanted to remember. The first line echoes a theme that is prevalent in Tolkien’s works, and which also reminds me of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta:
“Accept being a little one, and He who made the universe will fill you.”
The second line comes when Father Elijah begins to despair of accomplishing his mission. One of the Vatican cardinals (I forget now which one) gives him these words:
“…I tell you that we are going to the cross. But it is not our right to hasten that day. We must work while the light lasts. We must strengthen what remains. This is the long and lonely martyrdom. It is the most difficult of all.”
“…the long and lonely martyrdom.” Sometimes life does indeed feel that way, especially when we make the difficult decision to do God’s will at the expense of our own pleasure. We may not ever have to suffer the martyrdom of blood like our brothers and sisters in the persecuted countries of Asia or the Middle East, but we are all called to be witnesses in our own way to the saving power of Christ. Father Elijah inspires us to accept that call more readily.Labels: catholic |
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posted by Nick Senger at 5:09 PM

Friday, July 07, 2006
Nick's Catholic Classics Reading List, Part VI
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posted by Nick Senger at 9:10 AM

Thursday, July 06, 2006
Nick's Catholic Classics Reading List, Part V
Here is part five of Nick’s Catholic Classics Reading List. See this page for a further explanation of where this list came from.
Books that showed up on 1 of 16 lists, authors A-C: Karl Adam — The Son of God Karl Adam — Christ our Brother Karl Adam — The Roots of the Reformation James Alberione — Personality and Configuration with Christ James Alberione — Thoughts James Alberione — Glories and Virtues of Mary James Alberione — Daily Meditations: The Great Prayers, the Great Truths, the Great Virtues St. Anselm — Prayers and Meditations St. Anselm — Why God Became Man St. Anselm — The Virgin Conception John Peter Arendzen — The Holy Trinity John Peter Arendzen — Reason and Revelation John Peter Arendzen — What Becomes of the Dead? John Peter Arendzen — Purgatory and Heaven St. Athanasius — The Incarnation of the Word St. Augustine — Of True Religion St. Augustine — On Faith, Hope and Charity Jordan Aumann — Spiritual Theology Benedict Baur — Frequent Confession Benedict Baur — In Silence with God Bede The Venerable — A History of the English Church and People St. Robert Bellarmine — The Ascent of the Mind to God St. Robert Bellarmine — The Art of Dying Well Hilaire Belloc — The Path to Rome Hilaire Belloc — The Servile State Hilaire Belloc — Europe and the Faith Hilaire Belloc — Marie Antoinette Robert Hugh Benson — Christ in the Church Robert Hugh Benson — The Light Invisible Robert Hugh Benson — The Necromancers Robert Hugh Benson — Come Rack! Come Rope! St. Bernard of Clairvaux — The Steps of Humility St. Bernard of Clairvaux — On Loving God St. Bernard of Clairvaux — Magnificat: Homilies in Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Bonaventure — The Journey of the Mind to God St. Bonaventure — The Triple Way St. Bonaventure — The Mirror of the Blessed Virgin Mary Louis Bouyer — The Spirit and Forms of Protestantism M. Eugene Boylan — The Mystical Body: The Foundation of the Spiritual Life Orestes Brownson — Essays and Reviews Chiefly on Theology, Politics, and Socialism Cormac Burke — Covenanted Happiness Katherine Burton — The Great Mantle Katherine Burton — Sorrow Built a Bridge Katherine Burton — Witness of the Light Katherine Burton — The Next Thing: Autobiography and Reminiscences Alban Butler — Lives of the Saints Fernand Cabrol — Liturgical Prayer: Its History and Spirit Fernand Cabrol — The Prayer of the Early Christians Fernand Cabrol — Mass of the Western Rite Fernand Cabrol — The Mass: Its Doctrine, Its History Alexis Carrel — Man the Unknown Alexis Carrel — The Voyage to Lourdes Warren H. Carroll — Christendom I, II, III and IV Jean-Pierrre de Caussaude — Self Abandonment to Divine Providence St. Catherine of Genoa — Treatise on Purgatory G.K. Chesterton — The Catholic Church and Conversion Paul Claudel — The Satin Slipper Paul Claudel — The Tidings Brought to Mary: A Drama Paul Claudel — The Book of Christopher Columbus: A Lyrical Drama Paul Claudel — Letters from Paul Claudel, My Godfather H. W. Crocker, III — Triumph St. Cyprian — The Lapsed St. Cyprian — The Unity of the Catholic Church St. Cyprian — On the Lord's PrayerLabels: book lists, catholic |
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posted by Nick Senger at 6:43 AM

Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Nick's Catholic Classics Reading List, Part IV
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posted by Nick Senger at 11:54 AM

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Nick's Catholic Classics Reading List, Part III
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posted by Nick Senger at 9:26 AM

Monday, July 03, 2006
Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle
Since today is the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, known in popular circles as doubting Thomas, I thought I'd pose a question related to St. Thomas and books:
What book besides the Bible helped you to get through a crisis of faith, or a time of doubting?
For me it was Peter Kreeft's Making Sense Out of Suffering. About three years ago, when my oldest daughter was about four years old, we looked out of the living room window to find her having a seizure on the driveway. We rushed her to the hospital where we began a long process of trying to diagnose and treat her illness. Over the next year and half we discovered she had epilepsy caused by a rare mitochondrial disorder known as glutaric acidemia type II. In the midst of trying to help her through all of her seizures and blood tests and trips to the hospital, I found myself confronted with the question that all of us have to ask at least once in our lives: why is this happening?
It was really the first time I had to deal so personally with the problem of suffering. Being an introverted, academic type, I turned to books. The first book I read was Kushner's When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Big Mistake. Rather than comforting me, it plunged me deeper into confusion and despair. And then Providence, which had been guiding the situation from the beginning, led me to a used a bookstore where I saw Peter Kreeft's book on the shelf right next to the book I had come to look at.
Kreeft's book was the turning point in my struggle with my daughter's illness. I did not learn all the answers to my questions, but I learned how to live with the mystery of suffering. Kreeft was able to explain in his clear and logical way the problem of suffering, and the true solution. His book, along with deep spiritual talks with my wife Brenda, helped me to recover from the doubt and despair that had been plaguing me.
And to wrap this up, let me just say that our daughter is doing extremely well. She has been seizure-free for a year and a half. The seizures stopped in early December of 2004, just after we prayed a novena to Mary, the Immaculate Conception. It was the first novena I had ever prayed in my life. Rather than causing us to lose hope and faith, dealing with our daughter's illness has brought my wife and I closer to Mary and more importantly to her Son, Jesus. Peter Kreeft's book was an essential part of that struggle, and I recommend it highly.
Now tell your story, and link back to this post so we can all share it.Labels: catholic |
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posted by Nick Senger at 6:24 AM

Nick's Catholic Classics Reading List, Part II
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posted by Nick Senger at 6:21 AM

Sunday, July 02, 2006
Nick's Catholic Classics Reading List, Part I
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posted by Nick Senger at 6:16 AM

Saturday, July 01, 2006
Nick's Catholic Classics Reading List: History and Rationale
About three years ago I got fed up with wasting my time reading mediocre books. As the Michael Card song goes, “So many books, so little time.” I became determined to only read books that would have a life-changing effect on me. But first I had to find a way to know which books those were. So, I accumulated about thirteen lists of the greatest or most influential books ever written and counted which books appeared on the most lists, and then I ranked them. The logic behind this method is that by using many lists I can reduce the bias of individual critics or organizations, and come up with a more objective and comprehensive list. This process would have been a lot more time consuming without Robert Teeter’s fantastic great books page.
Not long after that, I found Fr. Hardon’s The Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan and I decided to put together a list of great Catholic literature, based on the same logic. I found two more lists of Catholic/Christian classics and added them to my initial thirteen. Here, then, are my sources for my Catholic Classics Reading List:
Catholic/Christian Reading Lists: My Original Thirteen Lists: My next post will contain part one of Nick's Catholic Classics Reading List.Labels: book lists, catholic |
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posted by Nick Senger at 2:18 PM

The Catholic LifeTime Reading Plan
One book that you should probably try to get a hold of if you're interested in reading Catholic literature is Fr. Hardon's Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan. Unfortunately it is out of print, but you should be able to find a used copy on, or, or Abebooks, or whatever other used book vendor you use.
After discussing the Bible, the Catechism, the Second Vatican Council and L'Osservatore Romano, Fr. Hardon provides a brief commentary on over 100 Catholic authors, arranged chronologically in the following periods:
- The Age of Persecution
- The Patristic Age
- Medieval Civilization
- The Catholic Reformation
- The Modern Age
I'm sure I'll be referring to this book as I comment on books discussed here. Reading the works listed in Fr. Hardon's book would truly take a lifetime.Labels: catholic |
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posted by Nick Senger at 7:44 AM