My Reading Life Is a Shopping Cart with Wobbly Wheels
As far as my current reading goes, I feel like a wobbly-wheeled shopping cart going out of control, swerving down the aisles of the supermarket about to collide with a big display of cereal boxes. I keep veering back and forth between different kinds of books, trying to keep up with my insatiable hunger for knowledge. Here's what I'm reading: I'm in the middle of all of them at the same time, and I don't like it. I don't mind reading two or even three books at a time, but six is too many, and I haven't even mentioned The Liturgy of the Hours, which is my daily prayer book. And I'm also listening to an unabridged audio recording of Don Quixote during my commute. It's out of control.
So I'm either going to have to finish a couple of them soon, or I'm going to have to set some aside. The Liturgy of the Hours and The Intellectual Devotional don't really count, since those are meant to be read daily, but I have to do something about the others.
The problem is that they're all just so good. Oh well, so many books, so little time...Labels: reading |
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posted by Nick Senger at 6:01 AM

Comments on "My Reading Life Is a Shopping Cart with Wobbly Wheels"
I'm reading too many books at one time right now. I usually try to stick to one nonfiction and one fiction.